FOR TODAY... feb. 22, 2010
outside my window... 69℉, soft rain and very cloudy.
i am thinking... this is going to be a wonderful week.
i am thankful for... today.
i am wearing... pj's and crocs.
i am remembering... got to start putting together all documents for tax purposes.
i am going... to go shopping with my mom today.
i am currently reading... "the sweetness at the bottom of the pie" by allan bradley.
i am hoping... to continue working on de-cluttering.
on my mind... do kids have to grow up so fast?
noticing that... no matter how much i think about going for my daily walk, i always feel good & re-energized after i've finished.
pondering these words... Happiness is an inside job. -William Arthur Ward-
from the kitchen... coffee, wheat toasts with raspberry jam.
around the house... a gorgeous orchid arrangement.
one of my favorite things... sushi for lunch.
i'm creating... just finishing the 2 freebies for this post.
i'm creating... just finishing the 2 freebies for this post.
a few plans for the rest of the week... time with my mom shopping, having lunch together and some catching up...
one picture to share...
loving my new imac!!!
go to the simple woman's daybook blog to participate in the "for today" journal every monday.
back to digi-scrapping again!
my wonderful husband surprised me with a new 27" imac computer for valentine's day!!! my old imac which i had for 3 years was really sluggish & having serious screen problems- it was a matter of time before it died on me... so it was just the most awesome gift ever!!!!
i spend a few days using my old laptop with no PSE!!! amazing how it made me realized how much i've come to depend on my computer & how i missed scrapbooking - i was literally going nuts without it!!! but i guess i had no choice but to let the apple people do the transfer of the information since while i tried to do it myself, i had many problems having some unwanted "behind the scenes" info being moved and i just couldn't figured out how to do it properly ..... anyway, all is good now.
...and would you believe my hubby also send me a gorgeous arrangement of orchids? i'm a lucky girl! thanks babe. i love you too!!!

i wanted to start creating something right away and i came out with a couple of freebies to celebrate having my new imac at home!!! wheeeeee!!! hope you like them!

and of course i had to do some layouts too:

i'm happy so many of you liked & used the template freebie - i was just amazed to look at the different creative layouts you ladies created with it!! they are always a source for motivation & inspiration - thanks so much!!
i'll be busy with my mom these 2 coming weeks but i'm hoping to find a bit of time to create something new for you by next week.
take care, be safe and have an awesome week!